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Hair Care

  • After leaving a donor the hair loses human nutrition and you should use a mild shampoo and conditioner and some nourishing products as well – argan oil, olive oil, liquid crystals etc.

  • Wash your hair extensions 2-4 times per month – it depends how often do you wear these WHEN CLIP-IN. BY PERMANENT HAIR EXTENSION you wash the hair together with your own.

  • Comb your hair before washing or you can detangle it with your fingers.

  • Do not comb wet hair.

  • Put your hair in warm water with mild shampoo and wash the hair gently in a downward motion.

  • Rinse the hair a couple of times just with water.

  • Put some conditioner or treatment and leave it for 10 minutes.

  • Rinse the hair with cold water.

  • Put the hair on a dry towel and leave it to suck the moisture.

  • You can use a hair-dryer or leave the hair air-dry, avoiding direct sunlight.

  • Never sleep with wet human hair.

  • You may wrap your hair extensions before sleeping on it to make it more comfortable for you.

  • With right treatment and good care the hair can last for more than 2 – 3  years, when wearing the clip-in hair extension.

Please watch this video, which shows how to wash your Star Whispers


Usually there are three rows of extra hair in one ready extension set - lower, middle and upper, plus two extra wefts, with width of about 7 cm (2.73 inches) each, to be placed highest in the area above the temple to get a spectacular result with a length of hair and around your face which is pretty convenient and appropriate to do in this way. This is the case with our following headsets: 22-23 IN (55-60 CM) in length and 240-250 G in thickness; 25-27 IN (65-70 CM) in length and 180-190 G in thickness and 25-27 IN (65-70 CM) in length and 270-280 G in thickness

  • The lower row is placed at the bottom, about 2 cm (0.78 inches) higher than the lower line of the own hair in the area between the back of the neck and the neck. The optimal width of this row is between 15 and 20 cm (5.85 and 7.8 inches) as it covers the narrowest part of the human head.

  • The middle row is placed above the lower row - a distance of about 2 cm (0.78 inches) is still left maximum. This row is metaphorically from ear to ear, but in the area above the ears, in the middle of the back of the neck. The width is between 25 and 30 cm (9.75 and 11.7 inches) - the round is longer, and if you want and feel comfortable, you can slightly bend the middle of the row down, receiving a slight parabola.

  • The upper row is the widest - about 32 cm (12.48 inches) as it is placed highest, and our advice is to aim for both ends to be as far ahead as possible to get the length of the area around the face.

Our headsets which are 22-23 IN (55-60 CM) in length and 150-160 G in thickness have a total of 4 pieces:

There are two rows of extra hair in one ready extension set – lower and upper, plus two extra wefts, with width of about 7 cm (2.73 inches) each, to be placed highest in the area above the temple to get a spectacular result with a length of hair and around your face which is pretty convenient and appropriate to do in this way.

  • The lower row in these headsets is placed at the bottom, about 5 cm (1.97 inches) higher than the lower line of the own hair. This row is metaphorically from ear to ear, but in the area above the ears, in the middle of the back of the neck. The optimal width of this row here is between 25 and 30 cm (9.75 and 11.7 inches) and if you want and feel comfortable, you can slightly bend the middle of the row down, receiving a slight parabola

  • The upper row is the widest - about 32 cm (12.48 inches) as it is placed highest, and our advice is to aim for both ends to be as far ahead as possible to get the length of the area around the face.

We have thought about you by creating an additional option - an option to order extra another one, fourth row/weft, to be re-placed in the middle of the head, with the dimensions of the middle row. The extra weft can be put between the middle and the upper row.

Please watch this video, which shows how to put your clip-in Star Whispers